Monday 15 August 2016

It’s a beautiful life; walk by faith, abide in love , live with joy

It is very futile to even think that I can own everything, no one can get everything as there is so much that we can’t even imagine in one life ….so the best thing is that whatever you have just enjoy the moments with it…….Life is so beautiful in every sense… is there in smile….it is there in sadness….it is there in laughter …it is in tears…as everything in between birth & death is mythical dream one must enjoy to fullest extent… life is really very very beautiful…go on discover it......unravel every love to

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Many of us are lost …..We actually don’t know what we are doing…why we   are doing….. we don’t have time to even think about it. 
All this creates a          vicious web around us , which blocks all our independent view  to know 
   life, which is not all that difficult but a beautiful journey….I remember a          beautiful duet by Lataji & Jagjeet ji soulful melody gazal & I quote few lines        from it, “subah se sham tak bojh dhota hua , apni hi lash ka khud              mazar aadmi...” unquote (From morning to evening every man carry        his own load as if he is carrying his own coffin on his shoulder).

   Very hard hitting words but so true, we do not even bother to think for a            second that we are being gifted with priceless life & we are spending it for        what ….. throwing it without knowing what its real worth is….what we all can    do with our one life… it really worth to spend our life for earning millions      and then more millions of wealth for self or we can do something more                worthwhile………If we can just think where to look for …….life is priceless          beauty waiting to be discovered…..a mystical magic….so pure ….full of              surprises.

Now it depends either you can look for beautiful things or make beautiful       thing happen…” if you want to live a beautiful life then you have to taste what    defeat means, know what struggle or suffering or loss means…..and you have    to fought against all this adversaries to understand the depth of life …..a         understanding of the life full of compassion, gentleness, a deep loving concern…..a beautiful life just do not happen you have to discover it”.

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   O Yes life is short…..time is fast… cannot rewind ……nor can it be                replayed… have to live each moment as it comes…Its your own life…take    your time for yourself….when there is no one to lean upon, no one to blame        for…nobody to rely on …..Without taking any excuse or asking any apology …    just being you …The Real You.

  This life will give you lot of wonderful moments & persons to cherish about…     some will stay with you…few will fade…..but you can have faith in one thing       for sure…what you have loved the most is yours forever ...even those whom       you think have been lost shall comeback to you.

It’s a beautiful life; walk by faith, abide in love , live with joy

Saturday 6 August 2016

What's Your Passion?

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When we are stuck & we don't know what to do.......when we are not find the purpose of life......when nothing seems to workout..........

What to do ?.......

Try to follow your dreams........your passion.......most importantly follow your heart. This are the word of wisdom not easy to follow or workable solution in real life.....when one is depressed .......when one is completely disillusioned with world.....when you are stamped as absolute failure within the paradigm of societal norms of success.

How to do? .....

This is what everyone look for .....Yes we all have a dream........we have some kind of passion....... & of course we all have a heart to follow..........But all this become meaningless as the current societal norms which defines a very imperfect system of education & success parameter which bind everyone ,forces to follow the written rules & do not allow you to follow your dream or passion to excel in a way you love to do as it instill so much of fear of failure in your life with the so called defined parameter of success that no one dare to deviate & follow their own dream or passion or their excel in their own way

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Those who defy the societal norms.... they excel in extraordinary follow any of the successful person story who had shown extraordinary talent ,shown new path, discover something new........we all fall in love with them but still do not dare to follow the same way out of fear to fail..........failing to see the real way to succeed ,which is to dare, to differ...let us see few person who dared.....and are remembered forever .

.              Once, a young school boy was caught in a fire accident in his school and was assumed that he would not live. His mother was told that he was sure to die, for the terrible fire had devastated the lower half of his body. Even if he were to survive, he would be a cripple throughout his life. But the brave boy did not want to die nor did he want to be a cripple. Much to be the amazement of the doctor, he did survive. But unfortunately from his waist down, he had no motor ability. His thin legs just dangled there, lifeless. Ultimately he was discharged from the hospital. But his determination to walk was indomitable. At home, when he was not in bed, he was confined to a wheelchair. One day, he threw himself from the chair and pulled himself across the grass, dragging his legs behind him. He reached the picket fence, raised himself up and then stake by stake, he began dragging himself along the fence, his resolve to walk undeterred. He did this every day, with faith in himself that he would be able to walk unaided. With his iron persistence and his resolute determination, he did develop the ability to stand up, then to walk haltingly, then to walk by himself and then to run.
He began to walk to school, then run to school, to run for the sheer joy of running.
Later in college he made the track team.
In February 1934, in New York City’s famed Madison Square Garden, this young man who was not expected to survive, who would surely never walk, who could never hope to run – this determined young man, Dr. Glenn Cunningham, ran the world’s fastest mile.
An epitome of the power of positive thinking and faith in one’s self, Glenn Cunningham continues to be an inspiration for many, and his story, a brilliant testimony to how one can bounce back even when all odds are stacked against one, to the extent that death seemed the preferable option………..He dared to…… many other stories

Scientists and Thinkers
Albert Einstein: Most of us take Einstein’s name as synonymous with genius, but he didn’t always show such promise. Einstein did not speak until he was four and did not read until he was seven, causing his teachers and parents to think he was mentally handicapped, slow and anti-social. Eventually, he was expelled from school and was refused admittance to the Zurich Polytechnic School. It might have taken him a bit longer, but most people would agree that he caught on pretty well in the end, winning the Nobel Prize and changing the face of modern physics.

Charles Darwin: In his early years, Darwin gave up on having a medical career and was often chastised by his father for being lazy and too dreamy. Darwin himself wrote, “I was considered by all my masters and my father, a very ordinary boy, rather below the common standard of intellect.” Perhaps they judged too soon, as Darwin today is well-known for his scientific studies.

Thomas Edison: In his early years, teachers told Edison he was “too stupid to learn anything.” Work was no better, as he was fired from his first two jobs for not being productive enough. Even as an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. Of course, all those unsuccessful attempts finally resulted in the design that worked.

Orville and Wilbur Wright: These brothers battled depression and family illness before starting the bicycle shop that would lead them to experimenting with flight. After numerous attempts at creating flying machines, several years of hard work, and tons of failed prototypes, the brothers finally created a plane that could get airborne and stay there.

Famous Personalities

Mahatma Gandhi: His is perhaps the most inspirational tale. Originally a barrister in India by profession, he was not a strong lawyer as he was unable to cross-question his witnesses. After spending sometime drafting litigation letters, he went to South Africa where he developed his political skills. It was not a cake-walk for him even there and his Satyagraha movement was fraught with difficulties even in India. He is remembered as Father of Nation

Oprah Winfrey: Most people know Oprah as one of the most iconic faces on TV as well as one of the richest and most successful women in the world. Oprah faced a hard road to get to that position, however, enduring a rough and often abusive childhood as well as numerous career setbacks including being fired from her job as a television reporter because she was “unfit for tv.”

Marilyn Monroe: While Monroe’s star burned out early, she did have a period of great success in her life. Despite a rough upbringing and being told by modeling agents that she should instead consider being a secretary, Monroe became a pin-up, model and actress that still strikes a chord with people today.

...... There are many more countless true store stories of success in their own way. Be it Amitabh Bachchan... Sachin Tendulkar....Dhirubhai.....You name it all of them dared & followed their own dream & passion in their own way..

So the question remains on how to do? 

The Answer is to get away from this conventional world which forces you …..binds you….crawl away from it…..try to walk……try to run……defy….Dare to dream….follow your passion in your own way…. Listen to your heart what you love to do J

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Monday 1 August 2016

Discover the lost Smile....

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Oh was this smile I ever had,
Was I happy ever than sad.
O God, I lost the precious smile
A gift that you gave,
How so careless of me
would you ever forgave.

I learnt & I grew,
with so much you gave
but still I earned so few.
I have wealth & I am rich,
with what you send
I got arrogant to belief
I have the power 
& the world will bend.

As I went grew older,
the health went for toss.
Once I thought
I was invincible,
Now I look back on time
O god, what a loss.

Would you give me 
one more chance,
to walk once again 
thousands of mile
Would I ever be able
to discover,
The lost smile.....

Thursday 28 July 2016

Dance To Express Not To Impress

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How true words can be ......need to express oneself has become a necessity as people do not have time to listen to others . There is big vacuum in  relationship ...... the need of sharing has evaporated and every person is choked........feeling helpless...tired...exhausted.

The need to express vent his be becoming a need similar to what food or money could be. Social media be it twitter or blog or facebook or Whats app...or reality show.......all this platform is providing a way out from today's suffocating life.

One is able to exhale .......enjoy the freedom of expression in literal sense.............without any fear of being shout down or not being heard or can paint yours feelings without any rhymes or bounded by language barrier or fear of ......critics.
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How nicely said ,"release the colors within your heart  with stroke of brush held by your thoughts"

One can be at his/her artistic best ......novelty not bounded by worldly rules or following some old path.....simplicity of what a person feels............floawing on uncharted path like water flows down from a mountain......

Keep expressing ........don't hold urself.........say something!!!!! 
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Monday 25 July 2016

Wanna Say Something

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कुछ कहु  Wanna Say Something 

Go ahead blast your feelings .......say something you wanted to say ....share....something you are missing.....something which is bothering you....something you wanted the world to know but unable to......
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Without bothering of its consequence...... meaningfulness.....effect.......just Say What You Wanna Say......
Say Something....whisper....