Thursday 28 July 2016

Dance To Express Not To Impress

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How true words can be ......need to express oneself has become a necessity as people do not have time to listen to others . There is big vacuum in  relationship ...... the need of sharing has evaporated and every person is choked........feeling helpless...tired...exhausted.

The need to express vent his be becoming a need similar to what food or money could be. Social media be it twitter or blog or facebook or Whats app...or reality show.......all this platform is providing a way out from today's suffocating life.

One is able to exhale .......enjoy the freedom of expression in literal sense.............without any fear of being shout down or not being heard or can paint yours feelings without any rhymes or bounded by language barrier or fear of ......critics.
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How nicely said ,"release the colors within your heart  with stroke of brush held by your thoughts"

One can be at his/her artistic best ......novelty not bounded by worldly rules or following some old path.....simplicity of what a person feels............floawing on uncharted path like water flows down from a mountain......

Keep expressing ........don't hold urself.........say something!!!!! 
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Monday 25 July 2016

Wanna Say Something

Image result for something is missing in my life images
कुछ कहु  Wanna Say Something 

Go ahead blast your feelings .......say something you wanted to say ....share....something you are missing.....something which is bothering you....something you wanted the world to know but unable to......
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Without bothering of its consequence...... meaningfulness.....effect.......just Say What You Wanna Say......
Say Something....whisper....